Derbyshire Dales District Council is the planning authority responsible for all planning matters in Hulland Ward, including new planning applications, planning conditions and enforcements.
If a planning application is turned down by the District Council then the applicant can appeal to the Secretary of State to overturn the decision.
The Parish Council is asked to comment on all applications in Hulland Ward, but the final decision is made by the District Council.
Recent Planning Applications in Hulland Ward
Below is a list of recent planning applications received by the Parish Council together with the comments made by the Council. Further information and plans for each application can be found on the District Council website
Planning Application 23/01005/FUL, Alterations and extensions to dwelling and erection of detached garage at 5 Hoillant Square, Main Road, Hulland Ward, Derbyshire DE6 3EF
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection to this application. Action: Clerk
Planning Application 23/00917/FUL - Shuckton Manor House - Extension to patio and car park, installation of hard standings, external lighting, gates, retaining walls and associated landscaping Shuckton Manor House, Mercaston Lane, Mercaston, Derbyshire DE6 3BJ
The Parish Council considered this application and resolved to comment as follows:
8 Car Parking Spaces - no objection
Access Driveway - the Council would prefer to see this in geo-grid rather than gravel
Single Additional Parking Space - the Council wish to object to this part of the application as it is considered unnecessary (in view of the additional 8 spaces already requested) and the parking space will cause difficulties for neighbouring properties.
Planning Application 23/00674/FUL, Change of use of agricultural land for equestrian use, proposed stables and riding arena (part retrospective) at Brook House Intakes Lane Turnditch Derbyshire DE56 2LU
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection providing access to the site is as shown on the plans.
Planning Application 23/00798/FUL, Extension and alterations to dwelling at 6 Ashes Avenue Hulland Ward Derbyshire DE6 3FT
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection to the application, providing the extra roof area has a satisfactory soakaway.
After discussion the Council resolved to comment as follows:
Hulland Ward Parish Council vigorously rejects the proposals for the following reasons:
a) The application calls for development of a green field site which is also outside the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan.
b) With 101 houses already built (or in the process of being built) Hulland Ward has more than satisfied the requirement of the Local Plan, which requires 99 houses until 2033
c) The proposed access road to the 16 house development is a privately owned single-track road which has already been rejected for being unsafe, un-adopted and unprofessional. This access must be rejected as being a possible death trap for both children and adults.
d) The proposed application is adjacent to the only designated heritage asset in the Hulland Ward area, which is Christ Church, and would impinge on the integrity of that building and its surroundings.
e) If the Planning Committee disregard points a) and b) and
d) above then another access road must be found - possibly the Main Road gateway already in use, and adjacent to the Dog Lane turn off.
f) The Parish Council have such serious concerns about this application that a formal request has been made for a feasibility study to be done for a roundabout on the A517/Dog Lane junction to give new access to the site of the proposed development.
g) Recent problems with the Sewage System operating in Hulland Ward may preclude any further development
of the village.
23/00399/FUL - Extension to existing agricultural building - Land East Of Hillcliffe Lane Turnditch
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection to this application.
23/00038/OUT - Outline planning consent for the erection of up to 15no. dwellinghouses and associated garaging with approval being sought for access - Land East Of Dog Lane Hulland Ward
The Parish Council resolved to vigorously reject the proposals for the following reasons:
The application calls for development of a green field site which is also outside the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan.
With 101 houses already built (or in the process of being built) Hulland Ward has more than satisfied the requirement of the Local Plan, which requires 99 houses until 2033
The proposed access road to the proposed 15 house development is a single-track road over private ground which has already been rejected for being unsafe, unadopted and unprofessional.
The proposed application is adjacent to the only designated heritage asset in the Hulland Ward area, which is Christ Church, and would impinge on the integrity of that building and its surroundings.
23/00109/FUL - Proposed 1.5 Storey side extension and canopy to rear elevation - Revision of Application ref. 22/00682/FUL at The Bricklands, Smith Hall Lane, Hulland Ward
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection to this application.
23/00002/FUL - 9 Viewdales Close Hulland Ward DE6 3EB - Single storey extension to dwelling
The Council had no objection to this application.
22/01011/FUL Knockerdown Inn, Knockerdown, Ashbourne DE6 1NQ Planning Application - Change of use of public house and associated land to a mixed use comprising coffee house, bar & restaurant and place of assembly & leisure including functions, event and display areas, and ancillary retail use. Erection of a retail and coffee shop (including additional toilets); formation of additional car parking; formation of new vehicular access; groundworks to create external seating and display areas; landscaping and drainage infrastructure and other associated works
This application was not in Hulland Ward parish but as several residents had expressed concern about the possible increase in traffic through the village the Council agreed to comment on the application.
After discussion the Council resolved to object to the application because of the possible impact this development may have in terms of increased traffic through Hulland Ward village and Dog Lane in particular.
22/01112/FUL, Change of use of land to extend previously approved caravan storage area (B8 Use) at Land Off West View, Hulland Ashbourne DE6 3ER
The Parish Council resolved to recommend that the site should be planted with trees/bushes that will provide all year-round screening.The Parish Council had no objection providing the application met with approval from the Highways Department.
22/01215/FUL Single storey rear and side extension 12 Firs Avenue Hulland Ward
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection to this application.
22/00976/FUL - Conversion of agricultural building to dwellinghouse with associated single storey extension to accommodate a biomass boiler - Magfield Farm, Smith Hall Lane, Hulland Ward
The Council had no objection to the proposed development.
22/00773/OUT - 1 Alport Close Hulland Ward - Outline planning consent for 1no. dwelling house
After careful consideration, the Parish Council resolved that they were unhappy with the proposal due to highway concerns, lack of turning circle on the site, affected trees and tree roots.The Parish Council would like to see reports from the Highways Department and an Arboriculturist report and they felt they could not support this application until these reports have been seen.
22/00829/FUL - 15 Eaton Close Hulland Ward – Single Storey Side Extension
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection to this application.
22/00692/FUL - Common Farm, Mugginton Lane End, Weston Underwood - Conversion of stables to a holiday let
The Parish Council resolved that providing the change of use criteria is acceptable and that Health & Safety issues be addressed due to the close proximity of the ménage, then the Council would have no objection to the application.
Planning Appeal - 21/01421/FUL - Long Meadows Farm, Smith Hall Lane, Hulland Ward - Erection of an agricultural building for housing livestock
The Parish Council had previously commented on the application and had no further comment to add to the appeal.
22/00682/FUL, Erection of single storey and first floor side extensions and canopy to rear elevation at The Bricklands Smith Hall Lane Hulland Ward Ashbourne
The Council had no objection to the proposed development
22/00617/FUL – Proposed agricultural fodder and machinery store - Magfield Farm, Smith Hall Lane, Hulland Ward
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection to this application.
22/00327/AGR - Agricultural Prior Notification - Erection of fodder and machinery store - Magfield Farm, Smith Hall Lane, Hulland Ward
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection to this application
22/00242/PDA - Change of use of agricultural building to 1 No. larger dwelling house and 3 No. smaller dwelling houses (Use Class C3) and associated building operations - Agricultural Building at Mukkibruk Farm, Intakes Lane, Turnditch
The Parish Council resolved that they had no objection to this application.
22/00232/FUL - Erection of carport at Wardgate Cottage, Belper Road, Hulland Ward
The Parish Council resolved that they had no objection to this application.
22/00327/AGR - Agricultural Prior Notification - Erection of fodder and machinery store - Magfield Farm, Smith Hall Lane, Hulland Ward – For information only, not consultation
The Parish Council resolved that they had no objection to this application.
22/00150/FUL - Formation of enclosed patio and parking area at Shiny Barn Mercaston Lane Mercaston Ashbourne
The Parish Council resolved that they had no objection to this application.
22/00142/PDA - Change of use of agricultural building to 1 no. larger dwelling house (Use Class C3) and associated building operations at Mansell Park Scout Lane Hulland Ward
The Parish Council resolved that they had no objection to this application.
22/00008/OUT - Outline planning consent for the erection of up to 15no. dwelling houses and associated garaging with approval being sought for access - Land Adjacent Biggin View, Dog Lane, Hulland Ward
The Parish Council resolved to strongly object to this application on the following grounds: 1) The Local Plan calls for 99 houses in the Hulland Ward area.Including the Wheeldon Way development we already have 101 houses.2) The planned application is on a greenfield site outside the boundary of the Local Plan.3) The proposed development would intrude on the setting of a listed building (Christ Church, Hulland) - a designated heritage asset.4) The Wheeldon Way development of 39 houses is scheduled to commence this Spring and will in itself cause much disturbance in what is still a small village.
21/01511/PDA - Change of use of agricultural building to 1no. larger dwellinghouse and 3no. smaller dwelling houses (Use Class C3) and associated building operations - Agricultural Building at Mukkibruk Farm, Intakes Lane, Turnditch
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection to this application.However, the Council felt that the application would be better served if the parking areas marked 1 to 5 were removed to the tarmac area south of the Barn being developed.This would avoid the destruction of a well laid out, and attractive garden.
22/00068/CLPUD - Certificate of Lawful Proposed Development - Proposed single storey rear extension at Mahe, Main Road, Hulland Ward – for information only not consultation
The Parish Council resolved to have no objection to this application.
21/01436/FUL - Erection of an agricultural building for housing livestock – Long Meadows Farm, Smithall Lane, Hulland Ward
The Council resolved to object to this application as the acreage on this site does not justify extra buildings. A full environmental health impact statement should be provided. The existing shed is adequate for the acreage on this site.
21/01462/FUL – Two Storey Extension – 12 Grange Ave, Hulland Ward DE6 3FX
The Council had no objection to this application.
21/01421/FUL - Erection of an agricultural storage building – Long Meadows Farm, Smithall Lane, Hulland Ward
The Council resolved to object to this application as the acreage on this site does not justify extra buildings. A full environmental health impact statement should be provided. The existing shed is adequate for the acreage on this site.
21/01438/FUL - Extension to existing storage building - Industrial Premises Intakes Lane Turnditch
The Council had no objection to this application.
21/01360/FUL - Proposed removal of existing outbuildings and erection of an office building (Use Class E - Commercial) - Storage Buildings At Intakes Lane Business Park Intakes Lane Turnditch Derbyshire
The Council resolved that they had no objection to this application provided that the findings of the environmental report are taken into consideration.
21/01454/FUL - Single storey rear extension - Shuckton Manor Barn, Mercaston Lane, Mercaston Derbyshire DE6 3BJ
The Parish Council had no objection to this application.
21/01494/FUL - Two storey rear extension, rendering of front elevation and erection of pitched canopy over existing porch - 11 Alport Close Hulland Ward Derbyshire DE6 3FR
The Parish Council had no objection to this application.
21/01420/FUL - Erection of single storey outbuilding for use as pool house and associated works - Toad Holes Barn Biggin Ashbourne DE6 3FQ
The Council resolved to object to this application, the proposal is far too large as an outbuilding and suggested that the applicant should look at the existing barn for development.
21/01511/PDA - Change of use of agricultural building to 1no. larger dwellinghouse and 3no. smaller dwelling houses (Use Class C3) and associated building operations - Agricultural Building At Mukkibruk Farm Intakes Lane Turnditch Derbyshire – This application was for information not consultation