News from Derbyshire Dales District Council
Latest News:
Library Van Visits
The mobile Library Van will visit Hulland Ward on the 28 October 2024 and 25 November 2024. The van will arrive at Alport Close at 12.40 pm and at the Ashes Avenue Car Park at 13.20 pm on each of these dates.
Next Meeting
The next full Parish Council meeting will be on Monday 2 December 2024 at 7 pm in the Village Hall. The Parish Council does not normally meet during August, but may call a meeting if urgent matters need to be dealt with. Meeting dates for the forthcoming year can all be found here.
Speed Sign Data
The latest speed sign data can be found on our News Page
Parish Boundary map
This map shows the parish boundaries for Hulland, Hulland Ward and Biggin.
Medical Centre
Potential Closure of Hulland Ward Medical Centre
The Parish Council formally oppose the proposals to close the Medical Centre.
Patients come First
All the arguments for closure are to benefit the current Team running the Ashbourne and Brailsford Clinics.
What about the best needs for the 2,500 members of the Hulland Ward and surrounding community? Until Covid this community had a LOCAL NHS Clinic that served the community. There is no reason why this should not re open in line with the original charter.
Henmore Health should ballot the community to find out which option is preferred, keep Hulland Ward Medical Centre - or shut it.
Why shut the Centre?
a) There is space to expand the facility, if required.
b) The Car Park was adequate for previous use, and indeed better and safer than
at Brailsford. Also many members of the public walked to the clinic.
c) Should building work be required to improve the existing building, why has S106 funding not been requested?
Positive Impacts?
a) Financial Funding - as already suggested S106 funding could cover any costs to bring the Hulland Ward clinic 'up to scratch'.
b) Quality of Care - should be better with patients having to travel less distance to see Doctors and Nurses. This is not speculative - the Clinic worked perfectly for the last 20 years before Covid
c) Governance - what does that mean? Please explain to a Village Meeting
d) Staff Time - staff already travel between Ashbourne and Brailsford. What about patient time?
Hulland Ward Parish Council are totally against the closure of the Hulland Ward
Medical Centre and request a Village Meeting as soon as feasible and a ballot
of the greater Hulland Ward community to vote on the proposed option submitted
by Henmore Health.
Hulland Herald
Copies of the Hulland Herald can be downloaded below:
Hulland Herald - May - July 2023
Hulland Herald - February 2023
Hulland Herald - October 2022 edition
Improvements to Waterlagg Junction
After many years of campaigning by the Parish Council, improvements have finally been made to Waterlagg Junction.
This area was an accident black spot. Hopefully the changes will improve road safety for all drivers.
Hulland Ward receives East Midlands in Bloom Certificate
The Parish Council were thrilled to receive an East Midlands in Bloom Certificate for best village entrance. Pictured is Cllr Peter Birkbeck and Ms Liz Fairchild from East Midlands in Bloom.
We're responsible for:
Mowing some areas around the village
Speed Signs
Community Speed Watch
Neighbourhood Watch
Play Area & Playing Field
Main Road Hedge Cutting
Parish Council Grit Bins